ACA Surf Kayaking

 Surf Zone Level -4


Course Overview: Paddlers will learn skills to safely launch and land a kayak in the surf.

Course Objectives:
Participants will learn:

Surf zone dynamics, etiquette, and hazards
Group communication and safety in surf
How to swim in surf
How to brace in breaking waves
Launching and landing techniques
Basic boat control and positioning on the wave

Prerequisite(s): Basic Coastal and Open Water Skills, or equivalent experience


Minimum Personal Equipment for the course:
Sea kayaks, whitewater kayaks, or sit-on tops (all boats with flotation), helmets, pfd’s, and paddling clothing appropriate to water temperature.

Course Duration:  5  hours

Course Location
: Conditions should include small waves (avg. wave height less than 3 ft.), ideally with spilling surf on a gently sloping beach clear of obstacles and swimmers. Winds should not exceed 10-15 knots.

Course Ratio:1 Instructor to every 5 students (1:5) / 2:10 with an additional instructor or qualified assistant

Successive Courses: Rough Water Maneuvering, Towing and Rescues; Advanced Surf

Course Outline:
Content should be maintained and remain consistent with this Outline. However, Instructors may use their own discretion and creativity in terms of scheduling and teaching style.

Introduction and On-Shore Orientation (60 – 90 minutes)

Equipment fit & adjustment
Previous experience, expectations
Course schedule & goals
Landing signals, practice on land to attain immediate response time
Safety concepts
Avoid shoulder dislocation by keeping paddle low when bracing

Bracing & boat lean (on-shore demonstration)

Tilt boat, using thighs.
Keep paddle low and horizontal, elbows in close
Point out soup zone, impact zone, & windows; what they mean to the kayaker
DEMO, one instructor stays on shore to explain what’s happening (solo instructor will have to explain before going out)
Broach – demo boat lean/brace while side surfing.
Launch – emphasize timing, paddling hard to break through waves
Land – on top of wave and surf & broach

Swimming Practice (15 minutes)
Have students swim in the surf: practice diving under waves and body-surfing
Soup Zone Practice
(60 Minutes)

Instructors in the water (not in boats); students in kayaks:
Have students hold position in soup, practice moving back & forth
Practice side surfing in soup on small waves, both sides
Practice paddling in on top of waves in soup, then riding waves

Impact Zone (60 Minutes)

Students paddle out; use timing (windows) & punch through waves
Land by paddling in on top of wave (to get through impact zone)
Signal students in once or twice using signals outlined above, then let them proceed on their own
Note: While signaling, you must use good timing; your goal is to get the student through the impact zone on top of the wave.
Land by surfing and broaching (side surf the break) on wave

Discussion of Wave Types
(60 Minutes)

Good place to break for a “working lunch”
Review, discuss wave types (dumping, plunging, spilling) shore contours and beach slope and the effect of tides and wind in surf zones

Launching & Landing Practice (120 Minutes)

Practice launching & landing technique, including surfing the waves watch for tired students & have them rest occasionally
Students who are having problems should practice in soup zone

Conclusion & Wrap-up (60 Minutes)

Provide individual and group feedback
Review surf zone techniques
Explain need for practice and more experience in areas well away from all other people and obstacles in surf
Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their ability to:
Read and time wave sets
Maneuver in the soup zone
Handle breaking waves in a broach position using boat lean
Launch and land in a controlled manner