ACA Coastal Kayaking

Open Water Skills Level -4


Course Overview: To refine and increase coastal kayaking skills for use in open water.

Course Objectives:
Participants will be introduced to:

The “J-Lean” and its uses, including edge control for maneuvering and correcting course, balance, bracing, and overall boat control
Refining the forward stoke and learning the side slip maneuver (static draw)
Performing assisted and self rescues in open water
Using compass to hold course and chart to fix location
Bow angle method of avoiding collision
Basic towing technique

Prerequisite(s):Basic Strokes and Rescues Course or equivalent experience


Minimum Personal Equipment for the course:
Properly sized and outfitted kayak with front and rear flotation.
Standard gear and safety equipment (paddles, PFDs, spray skirts, paddle floats, bilge pumps, and clothing appropriate for weather and immersion)
Course Duration:  5 hours

Course Location
: Ideal teaching conditions are a protected cove for launching and landing and working on J-leans, stroke review, and maneuvering, with quick access to more open water and/or variable conditions for practicing rescues and short open water crossings. Waves should not exceed 2 feet; winds should not exceed 15 knots. Groups must be kept within 1 mile from shore.

Course Ratio: 1 Instructor to every 5 students (1:5) / 2:10 with an additional instructor or qualified assistant

Successive Courses: Rough Water Maneuvering, Towing & Rescues; Advanced Surf

Course Outline:
The following is a general summary of course content. The content and sequence of instruction should be arranged to best fit the student’s needs, safety, the class location, and time allowance.

Introduction & Expectations (15 minutes)

Welcome and introductions
Student and instructor expectations
Course Itinerary

Onshore Discussion (30 minutes)
Discuss the importance of the J-lean and its many uses. Explain why it is the single most important kayaking skill:

Edging (carving turns and correcting course)
Bracing and rolling
Control in wind and rough water
Boat fit and adjustment
Boat/body weld
Foot brace adjustment
Review wet exit (make sure everyone can and has performed one)

Practice J-Leans and Maneuvers
(90 minutes)
Suggested exercises/progression:

Tilt boat side-to-side, keeping upper torso steady
Hold boat on edge, using balance; both sides
Paddle forward, lift paddle, lean boat, allowing it to carve a turn
Lean boat and hold on edge, while paddling forward
Lean boat, initiate turn with one sweep stroke, and paddle forward continuing the turn, while holding boat on edge
Practice sweep strokes with J-lean; lean boat toward working blade
Paddle in a large circle, using J-lean and sweep strokes to maintain turn
Paddle on a range (straight line), using sweep/lean corrective strokes to maintain course

Refine Forward Stroke (30 minutes)

Work on torso rotation
Work on keeping power phase well forward with a short stroke
Keep upper hand near eye level; do not drop upper hand toward deck
Side-Slip Maneuver, Using Static Draw (15-30 minutes)
Start with sculling draw
Introduce static draw position
Practice using static draw while moving forward

On-Land Presentations (60 minutes)
Excellent time for a “working lunch”

Compass use in low visibility (safety heading)
Chart Use to fix location
Bow Angle Method of avoiding collision
Brief on-land review of rescue technique

Towing Procedures (30 minutes)

Basic towing demonstration and practice
Standard one-on-one tow
Push tow

Practice Rescues in Open Water (60 minutes)

Self Rescue (Paddle float)

Skills Development Tour on Open Water (60 minutes)

Continue to develop efficient stroke technique
Practice course corrections
Practice using ranges
Have fun

Conclusion & Wrap-up
(30 minutes)

Deal with boats and gear, get in dry clothes
Provide individual feedback, if possible
Group debrief on how course went/ questions
Explain what is next in the learning progression
Further practice on the water is essential
Course evaluation

Download PDF of L4 Coastal Kayak Open Water Skills